PHYSICS - PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT2019 UQ-STAQ & Griffith Senior science day "Electromagnetism experiments" (YouTube of ppt slides with voice over): 2019 UQ-STAQ & Griffith Senior science day "Electromagnetism experiments" (just the ppt slides): 2020 - UQ-STAQ Physics PD Day & Griffith Uni "Low cost Quantum demos" (YouTube of ppt slides with voiceover) 2020 - UQ-STAQ Physics PD Day & Griffith Uni "Low cost Quantum demos" (ppt slides only) Rolling balls on an inclined plane - student experiment (You Tube) Stacked magnets - ideas for a student experiment (You Tube) 2022 - UQ-STAQ PD and Griffith Uni Cutting Edge STEM PD "Solenoids and Smartphones" Solenoids and smartphones (You Tube) 2023 - UQ-STAQ PD and Griffith Uni Cutting Edge for Teachers PD "Faraday's Law Experiments" 2023 - UQ-STAQ PD and Griffith Uni Cutting Edge for Teachers PD "How not to lose marks on the external exam" "Have no fear" special relativity physics videos Standard Model & Particle Interactions Practical: Planck's constant with LEDS Physics Study Buddy Revision Guide for the External Exam Getting to know the formulae in the Formula and Data Booklet |